The Art of Picking the Right Designer Handbag to Match Your Style

Almost 5% of surveyed women claim that they own more than eight handbags. Are you someone with a hefty handbag collection as well?

You can never have too many designer crossbody bags, right? 

We think so too. But how do you know which new bag to add to your collection? We're here to help make choosing a designer handbag easier. Read on for our tips. 

Look At Your Most-Used Bags

When you're buying a designer handbag, it's a good idea to take a look at the bags you already own. What type of luxury handbag would fit well in your collection? 

You want something that isn't identical to what you already have but that fits in well enough that you know you'll use it. Perhaps you have a dozen black designer crossbody bags but no satchel handbags. You'd buy a black satchel bag so it fits in but is different enough to be worth the purchase. 

On the other hand, if you're willing to step outside of your comfort zone a bit, you may want to try something completely different from what you already own. This is a riskier purchase for sure, but it means that you won't risk buying a duplicate, and you may end up choosing a designer handbag that you fall in love with, even if it isn't exactly "your style." 

For example, you may have a closet full of black leather handbags for women, but you decide to opt for a colorful one instead.

Consider Your Needs

What do you need from a new handbag?

Are you looking for a bag to travel with? What about a bag that's large enough to be an overnight bag? Are you in need of a bag with a large and comfortable strap to protect your back and shoulders

Make a list of all of the things you're looking for in a new bag so you can start narrowing down your options. This will help you look past the aesthetics alone when you're choosing a new luxury handbag for your collection.

Match Your Current Wardrobe

We already talked about matching your other bags, but what about your wardrobe? You likely want your bag to match your clothing to some extent, so take a look at what you've been wearing lately.

Have you been wearing a lot of white and light colors lately? Perhaps you want a small and sporty bag that's available in colors like pink and white.

Are you into neutrals? You may prefer something that matches that aesthetic, like a subtle brown bag that's perfect for day-to-day wear.

Avoid buying anything that doesn't match any of your outfits and accessories unless you're willing to take the time to build an outfit around it. You won't find yourself reaching for the bag often. 

There Are So Many Designer Crossbody Bags to Choose From

Finding the right designer crossbody bags for your collection can be tough! You want to get some use out of the bag, but you also don't want to buy something that's too close to what you already have! This list of tips will help you find the ideal handbag for you. 

Are you looking for luxury handbags at affordable prices? At Sassy Shelby's, we've got what you need. Check out our collection today.

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